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LOLRG #Dv2021 Litigation Plaintiffs only ZOOM CALL

السبت، 24 أبريل



LOLRG Plaintiffs join me for a ZOOM call to discuss June Bulletin and consular strategies

Registration is Closed
See other events
LOLRG #Dv2021 Litigation Plaintiffs only ZOOM CALL
LOLRG #Dv2021 Litigation Plaintiffs only ZOOM CALL

الوقت والموقع

24 أبريل 2021، 11:00 ص غرينتش-7



نبذة عن الحدث

This will be a LOLRG Plaintiffs-only ZOOM Call. If you are attending using a different ID than your LOLRG app sign-in, please let us know in advance. If you are in the waiting area and you are not being admitted send an email to with your Full Name and the id you're using. Otherwise, you may not be able to join. The link to the call will be posted in the group 24 hours before the call. You can attend from there.

شارِك هذا الحدث

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